Quality Products
Window and Door Locks
Window and door locks keep children safe from potential falls and finger pinches, and also keep them from wandering outside or into rooms they shouldn’t have access to.
The Window Safety Stop is the latest in window safety technology to prevent toddlers from falling out.
The Window Warden allows windows to open a maximum of 4”. This makes it easy for parents/caregivers to disable the window from opening wider.
This wedge-shaped device lets you control the width or height of a window opening. It stops windows from opening too far, which keeps toddlers safe.
This device is great for childproofing sliding patio and deck doors. It allows for the door to be locked in closed position or with a 3” opening for ventilation.
The Door monkey automatically locks doors in a slightly ajar position. This allows air to circulate through the secured room and protects little fingers from door pinch injuries.
Flip locks are great for closet and pantry doors. Slide up slightly and flip to open and close.
This lock rests on top of the door so children can't reach it. A peg mounts on the door frame and the latch slides around peg to lock and release.
This latch can be used on single or double pocket, sliding, and swing doors. It is placed up high out of children's reach and can be locked and unlocked from both sides of the door.