Case Studies

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Creating Safer Play Areas

Baby Proofing Montgomery converted a covered patio that was adjacent to flagstone steps into safer play area. We used aluminum gates and stainless-steel hardware to create a barrier between the covered patio and steps and multiple gate extensions with T-bars to close off the 12’ opening between the house and the column. Since the floor was made of stone, the T-bars were secured to the floor using adhesive Velcro.  


Other Case Studies

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Mounting to Glass

Baby Proofing Montgomery created a mounting solution for a contemporary home that had tempered plate glass bannisters.

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Mounting to Newel Posts

Baby Proofing Montgomery encounters a wide range of newel posts in terms of size and shape.

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Flexible Tools for Your Home

Baby Proofing Montgomery also uses rust-proof retractable gates for outdoor use for openings less than 6’ wide.