Keeping Our Little Ghosts, Goblins, Pumpkins, & Witches Safe on Halloween
Halloween is right around the corner and it’s never too early (age-wise or by the time of year) to start talking to your kids about Halloween safety in anticipation of the fun. Set a precedent now for the future when they’re out trick-or-treating on their own. Here are a few safety tips:
1. Cute as a Button, Securely Fastened
Be mindful of little parts and accessories on your child’s costume. If making a costume for an infant or toddler, remember not to use any parts or pieces smaller than a pacifier as they may pose a choking hazard if they come loose and fall off (especially for those under age 3).
2. The Fit is Everything
Make sure your child’s costume is not too long, causing a trip hazard. If wearing a mask, make sure he/she can easily see out of it and that vision is not impaired.
3. Walk this Way
Teach kids to walk on sidewalks and paths. Remind them to always stop and look both ways before crossing the street and to only cross at the corner, with an adult from their group!
4. Do Not Enter
Remind your child to NEVER enter a stranger’s home, even if invited in to receive candy and treats.
5. Treating Their Tastebuds
Give your child a few pieces of his/her favorite candy (from home) to eat along the way. Remind him/her NOT to eat any candy collected until it’s brought home and you’ve had a chance to inspect it.
6. Who’s Hiding Behind that Mask?
Remind kids to pay attention to their friends’ costumes so they can account for each other and don’t mistakenly run off with another group. Give them all the same color glow sticks, or braid two together for each child so they can easily recognize who is in their group.
7. Halloween is a Time to BE SEEN!
Make sure everyone in your group of trick-or-treaters (kids AND parents!) has reflectors on their costumes (added, if necessary) or wears light colored or reflective clothing. Everyone should also carry a flashlight or glow stick to help them see, as well as be seen by drivers.
Although Baby Proofing Montgomery’s services focus on in-home child safety, we also work to help increase awareness about many preventable child-related accidents outside of the home. We are parents (and grandparents) too, so we understand and relate to the excitement, preparation, and anticipation of Halloween festivities, as well as all things party and holiday-related.
Have a question? Need advice on how to store something safely?
We’re happy to help. Call us 301-984-9323 or drop us a line